August 18, 2024

Pakistan Britain Business Council, UK and ZANS group UK is organizing a Webinar ” How to set up ” a business

London (News Desk) Pakistan Britain Business Council, UK and ZANS group UK is organizing a Webinar ” How to set up ” a business in the Uk with an option for Business Settlement Visa & British Nationality on Monday 19th August 2024, from 11.00-12.30( BST), 3.00 pm to 4.00pm ( PST). Speakers will be talk about Setting Up a Business in the UK (Including Business Registration, Setting Up a Business Bank Account, Meeting Legal Obligations, Opportunities Available: Joint Venture Franchises & Market Potential & Challenges. Host of the webinar CEO/Trade Pakistan Britain Business Council Rashid Iqbal will be opening the first Session. Co-Host Malik Salman Saeed, Ambassador & Diplomatic Corporate Affairs, Pakistan Britain Business Council will be discussed about the chances of success to set up Business in the UK. Co-Hosts, Adeel Khan, Senior Business Development Executive, Pakistan Britain Business Council and Co-Host Moinuddin Ahmed Country Director Pakistan, Pakistan Britain Business Council will speak the webinar. In the second session, Adeel Khan, Founder & CEO, ZANS Group UK, Cristina Luca, Legal Assistant ZANS Group UK and Syeda Maheerah Ali, Head of UK Operations ZANS Group UK will be speak to attendees and reply their quarries.


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